Hope Route and several churches in the Chicagoland area are planning a Health Series, using the program/acronym CREATION (life), put together by AdventHealth. The nightly series begins on April 11 at 7pm, with North Aurora hosting the live meetings and live-streamed to all who would like to join.  We will have medical and counseling professionals and enthusiasts presenting, followed by a Q&A based on the topic for the night:

April 11, Friday - Choice with Dr. Monica Reed
April 12, Saturday - Rest with Dr Tessalee
April 13, Sunday - Environment with Mrs. Lucio
April 14, Monday - Activity with Dr. Garg
April 15, Tuesday - Trust with Dr. Kambaki
April 16, Wednesday - Interpesonal Relationship with Mrs. Metcaf
April 17, Thursday - Outlook with Pastor Remitera
April 18, Friday - Nutrition with Dr. Wells


Our Service 

Sabbath School: 9:30 AM
Worship Service: 11:00 AM


Fellowship Lunch each 1st & 3rd Saturday

Children's Church (ages 5+) 1st & 3rd Saturday


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North Aurora Seventh-day Adventist Church

950 Mooseheart Road

North Aurora, IL 60542

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Welcome to the North Aurora Church in North Aurora, IL. We are a Christian community and would love to have you join our family. To learn more about what we believe you can visit our About Us page. Please join us for Bible study, worship, and prayer.

Pastor Josh Voigt
North Aurora Church